Sunday, March 2, 2008

7:54 am

I sorta woke up at 6:30. That's at least when my alarm went off and my lights went on...but somehow I'm still in bed...and feeling guilty. Why do I let my days waste away? Because, honestly, what awaits me when I get up? My room is a disaster - there are open Tupperwares and clothes strewn everywhere, miscellaneous gear and books and junk of all sorts covering the floor. I'm in the process of moving...again. I shouldn't complain. I've lived in this apartment for a whopping 16 months, including a brief four month interlude up in Mt. Vernon. And I'm moving in with very generous friends where I will save money, not have to park on the street and have a actual yard with grass. But for the love of all things. Packing sucks. I'm tired of it. And then there is the paper I need to write for Alternative Dispute Resolution. So its not really surprising I'm still in bed. ugh.

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