Monday, May 26, 2008

San Francisco

My life really isn't this boring. Based on my incapacity to blog, one would think there is nothing going on. On the contrary, I spend lots of time in my car, driving back and forth between Bellingham and Seattle. On Mondays and Fridays I tutor little second graders in phonics (...i think...I don't really get what phonics are, so I don't actually know.) The last few weekend have been packed. Over Mother's Day, I went down to Portland to celebrate with my sweet, wonderful mother and grandmother and my sister-in-law who is a new mother herself. So I also got to meet my new nephew Søren, who is adorable. Last weekend, I flew down to see my friend Julie Kurtz in Figaro. She was amazing. We also explored the farmers market and a little bit of Marin County. Then this weekend, my brother and I went backpacking, but I will post about that at another time...when I get the pictures. As always, there are stories to tell...

1 comment:

Joel said...

Going on three months now with no update. I know you have something to say. I just know it!